Diane Harkey - Biography
Diane Harkey has a long history of community leadership on behalf of the residents of South Orange County.
Community Service
Diane was first elected to local office in a sweeping victory in 2004, where she served 4 years on the Dana Point City Council, and as Mayor of the city. In 2008 she was elected overwhelmingly to California’s State Legislature, representing the 73rd District of South Orange County, succeeding Mimi Walters who was elected to the State Senate in the same year. In 2014 she was elected to California’s State Board of Equalization, serving Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Imperial Counties, was elected by a unanimous bi-partisan vote by her peers as first Republican Chair of the Board in 15 years.
Business Experience
Diane graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Economics from the University of California, Irvine. As a pioneering South County woman business leader, she enjoyed a successful 30-year career in finance and banking. Working in good and bad economic climates with individuals, small businesses, and leaders of publicly-traded companies helped Diane form the fiscally responsible and pragmatic business perspective that has guided her decision-making as a community leader.
Taxpayer Advocate
For her constituents in general, Diane has capitalized on her private and public sector experience to promote the rights and interests of all taxpayers. Through numerous business, tax and non-profit workshops and seminars, and outreach programs, she has been a passionate advocate for policies that support job creation in the private sector, improve California’s state budget outlook, and reduce the burden of complying with government audits and various tax regulations.
Voice for Public Safety
Diane is a dedicated voice for public safety and a strong supporter of law enforcement. She is proudly endorsed by Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes and the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs. Harkey is also committed to preserving South Orange County’s great quality of life by reducing homeless while providing compassionate care for the mentally ill and those in need.
Education and Family
Diane graduated from the University of California Irvine, after attending both Saddleback and Orange Coast Colleges. Diane has one married daughter, Jaclyn, a very successful businesswoman in the Newport Beach area. Her personal passions are jogging, horses, cats, economics, politics and preserving the special quality of life of her beloved South Orange County.